Stanford Research Park

Reveal the power of the 6-base genome – introducing duet multiomics solution evoC
14 March 2024
to 14 March 2024
11:30 am
to 1:30 pm
Stanford Research Park
, Palo Alto

About the event

Joint lunch & learn brought to you by biomodal and Novogene.

Learn about our new 5 & 6 base sequencing technology – duet multiomics solutions +modC & +evoC – and discover the combinatorial power of genetics and epigenetics.

Single Workflow + Integrated Informatics
Identify genetic and epigenetic information on the same DNA fragment

Preserve Valuable Samples
(10ng-20ng) DNA. Fully enzymatic & free of chemical degradation

Multiomics Data Analysis & Machine Learning
5hmC & 5mC detection, predictive GEX & Open Chromatin!

Find the venue

One sample. One workflow. One solution.

Here are the relevant biomodal resources for information. Find poster presentation information, case studies, interviews, and more.

Attending from biomodal

Chad Geringer
Director of Sales and Business Development for North America

Register now

Stanford L&L 14Mar24

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Cambridge Epigenetix is now biomodal