21 Jun 2024
11:30am – 12:30pm
School of Clinical Medicine
Addenbrookes Hospital
Seminar Room 10
Hills Road
Cambridge, UK CB2 0SP
Join biomodal for a dynamic technical seminar.
This seminar will introduce the 6-base genome (A, T, C, G, 5mC, and 5hmC) delivered by a powerful new technology, duet multiomics solution evoC. The added resolution of duet evoC will enable improved detection of disease associations, identification of novel biomarkers, development of disease classifiers, and monitoring the progression of disease.
We will discuss how the 6-base genome can improve the understanding of tumour biology from liquid biopsy
- Methylation states of enhancers in CRC cfDNA samples provide evidence that 5mC and 5hmC track cancer stage with greater precision.
- 6-base readouts provide two-dimensional methylation data that shows 5hmC variations that are associated with stage 1 vs healthy
High-level introduction into how 6-base genome data can be used to build models that accurately predict gene expression, chromatin accessibility, and enhancer status.