Mini exhibition
Unlock the combined power of genetic and epigenetic information from a single sample
Visit biomodal at booth
Mini exhibition
Unlock the combined power of genetic and epigenetic information from a single sample
Director of Business Development
If you’d like to learn more about duet multiomics solution +modC and how it could transform your research, reach out to Aziz.
Here are the relevant biomodal resources for information. Find poster presentation information, case studies, interviews, and more.
Two decades ago the Human Genome Project was completed. Since then, the first sequence of the human genome and subsequent population genomes have provided critical
The Aparicio lab at the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre (BCCRC) utilises 5-letter sequencing technology, duet multiomics solution +modC, to investigate ‘epigenetic rewiring’ in breast cancer cells.
The award-winning researcher behind next generation sequencing (NGS)