biomodal Certified Service Providers
biomodal Certified Service Providers are verified labs that can deliver unparalleled 6-base genome data utilising duet multiomics solution evoC.
The first 6-base genome technology to unlock the combinatorial power of genetics and epigenetics in one workflow, duet evoC gives researchers access to comprehensive data to build predictive models of gene expression, chromatin accessibility, and enhancer status; to better understand the multiomic biological mechanisms that link genotype to phenotype.

By measuring multiple modes of biology from a single low-input DNA sample in a single experiment, researchers gain the ability to detect early-stage disease, identify novel biomarkers, develop disease classifiers, and monitor the progression of disease.
Search for a bCSP with trusted expertise in utilising duet multiomics solution evoC to deliver the 6-base genome – distinguishing all 4 canonical bases, plus 5‑methylcytosine (5mC) and 5‑hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) — to gain greater research insights.
Speak with a biomodal expert to learn more about how to become a Certified Service Provider.