Keystone Symposia – Epigenetics in Development and Disease

Reveal the power of the 6-base genome.
30 March 2025
to 2 April 2025
Fairmont Banff Springs
, Banff

About the event

Joint with: Interplay of Chromatin Architecture and Transcription Regulation

Epigenetic modifications to our genomes impact chromatin organization and gene activity during organismal development, homeostasis and aging. Histone and DNA modifying enzymes, as well as chromatin remodelers, are frequently disrupted in developmental disorders and disease states, inspiring the development of numerous potential therapeutics to target these epigenetic regulators. Moreover, cellular metabolism can dramatically alter the availability of substrates for epigenetic enzymes, connecting the epigenetic state of a cell to its metabolic state.

To catalyze new discoveries in this important area, we bring together experts in epigenetics, leading minds in metabolism, and researchers studying diseases linked to epigenetic dysregulation to collectively drive the field forward. This conference provides an ideal environment to foster interactions and seed new collaborations between those studying the function and mechanisms of epigenetic regulators and those defining the clinical impact of their  disruption. The program will critically evaluate the mechanistic importance of histone modifications, non-catalytic roles for epigenetic complexes, and models for the establishment of epigenetic memory and inheritance.

Attendees will explore emerging science at the forefront of the field and be inspired to jump into new frontiers that will define the future of epigenetics research.  Trainees in particular will benefit from exposure to new ideas, with invaluable networking opportunities with field leaders and rising stars.

Finally, this conference will be held jointly with the Keystone Symposium on Chromatin Architecture, Transcription & Gene Regulation to allow attendees to appreciate the interplay between these two closely related fields and network across both domains. Joint sessions and meals will foster cross-disciplinary interactions, insights and collaborations towards integrating these fields and providing a holistic understanding of epigenetics in the context of chromatin architecture.

Presenting at the event

Poster # 1052 - Multiomic 6-base data from cell-free DNA enhances the performance of liquid biopsy classifiers

KC Vavra

Field Application Scientist


Poster # 1052 | Monday, March 31, 2025 | 7:30 PM

Liquid biopsy for profiling of cell free DNA (cfDNA) in blood holds huge promise to transform how we experience and manage cancer by early detection and identification of residual disease and subtype. While early work in liquid biopsy focused on the identification of actionable somatic variations at specific loci, the past decade has seen an expansion into epigenetic features, notably methylation. 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) profiles of cancer are differential from non-cancer at many more loci and so provide a stronger signal. Moreover, recent research has suggested that 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) profiles in cfDNA can be a marker for early cancer. However, a standard blood draw yields an average of only 10ng of cfDNA, presenting the dilemma of how to use limited sample to obtain maximum information.

We will present the application of a technology which sequences at single base resolution the complete genetic sequence of input DNA fragments integrated with the modification status (unmodified, 5-mC or 5-hmC) for each CpG from low nanogram input quantities of cell-free DNA (cfDNA). Using this technology, we generated whole genome 6-base data (A, C, G, T, 5-mC, and 5-hmC) on cfDNA extracted from plasma of healthy volunteers and patients with colorectal cancer at stages I-IV. We demonstrate how the technology can be used to extract as complete information as possible from a cfDNA sample.

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KC Vavra

KC Vavra

Field Application Scientist

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Epigenetics in Dev & Disease Banff 30MAR-2APR25

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