QB3 Genomics TEK Talk Symposium

Come and visit the biomodal table to learn about duet multiomics solution evoC. Distinguish 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) together with all 4 canonical bases to measure multiple modes of biology from a single low-input DNA sample in a single experiment. The 6-base genome enables multidimensional DNA methylation analysis for biomarker discovery to gain transformative insights into current and future states of disease. Registration is limited, please register via the QB3 landing page if you would like to attend. University of California Berkeley University Dr,105 Stanley Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 8:30am – 4:30pm PDT
30 July 2024
to 30 July 2024
8:30 am
to 4:30 pm
University of California Berkeley, 105 Stanley Hall

About the event

QB3 Genomics has invited industry-leading scientists to go deep into the technical details of their tools to show you how to apply them to your “-omics” projects.

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One sample. One workflow. One solution.

Here are the relevant biomodal resources for information. Find poster presentation information, case studies, interviews, and more.

Attending from biomodal

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QB3 Berkeley 30July24

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Cambridge Epigenetix is now biomodal