What are the recommended requirements for running the duet pipeline software?

The duet pipeline can seamlessly perform read resolution, alignment, variant calling, summarisation of methylation status and produce reports and QC information. Here is what you can expect in terms of processing times: The above function as a guideline to give an indication of potential elapsed pipeline runtime and is highly dependent upon the setup of […]

How are you able to detect epigenetic modifications in my sample?

Our duet multiomics solution evoC protects cytosines that display epigenetic markers during library preparation without degrading your sample. 5mC markers are copied from the original DNA strand to a complimentary synthesized strand attached with a hairpin sequence, whilst 5hmC markers remain only on the original strand. Unmodified cytosines on both strands are then enzymatically deaminated. […]

Why does individually detecting 5mC and 5hmC matter? 

The four traditional bases make up the foundational genetic code for all living systems. DNA methylation affects how and when genes are expressed, but the two methylation marks 5mC and 5hmC have opposing effects: 5mC reduces expression, or “turns off” genes, and in contrast, 5hmC increases gene expression, and “turns on” or “primes” genes. These […]

How are you able to detect epigenetic modifications in my sample?

Our duet multiomics solution +modC protects cytosines that display epigenetic markers during library preparation without degrading your sample, and our bioinformatics pipeline supresses sequencing errors and furthermore highlights modified cytosines as a fifth genetic letter. For more information on how this occurs, read our paper here.

Why does seeing methylation matter?

The four traditional bases make up the genetic code which is a vital foundation for all living systems. But DNA methylation affects how and when genes are expressed. Capturing both genetic and epigenetic information is essential to understanding normal biology and disease states, as well as developing precision therapies.

Cambridge Epigenetix is now biomodal