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The combinatorial power of genetics and epigenetics is vital to understanding biology in healthy and cancerous states.
The 6-base genome expands our understanding of genetics by incorporating both genetic & epigenetic data to get a clearer picture of health and disease biology.
We are delighted to present BaseSpace Sequence Hub data for duet multiomics solution +modC.
RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has become immensely popular and indispensable in modern biological research. We look at the considerations and challenges of this technology.
Results from the Dawson lab at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and University of Melbourne suggest that profiling cfDNA with duet evoC would be very useful for the analysis of liquid biopsy samples to generate biologically relevant data for exploring early detection and disease progression in HCC.
Generating multiomic data from as little as 5ng of cfDNA that can be used to identify SNPs, CNVs, differentially methylated regions (DMRs), and variant associated methylation (VAM). Using these techniques, methods to identify new potential biomarkers and fragment length profiles are also discussed.
Novel solution - duet evoC - distinguishes 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) revealing unprecedented insights into current and future states of disease using one 5ng DNA sample
Liquid biopsy for profiling of cell free DNA (cfDNA) in blood holds huge promise to transform how we experience and manage cancer by early detection and identification of residual disease and subtype. However, a standard blood draw yields an average of only 10 ng of cfDNA, of which DNA derived from the tumour is a small minority.
DNA comprises molecular information stored in genetic and epigenetic bases, both of which are vital to our understanding of biology. In human genomes, an epigenetic modification at the fifth carbon of cytosines bases comprises one fundamental pathway by which genes can be silenced or activated.
DNA comprises molecular information stored in genetic and epigenetic bases, both of which are vital to our understanding of biology. The interplay between genetics and the DNA epigenome orchestrates complex biological phenomena as diverse as cell fate, ageing, the response to environmental stimuli, and disease pathogenesis.
Novel single-base-resolution solution that delivers the standard four-base sequencing (A, C, G, and T), and distinguishes between 5‑methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), on the same DNA molecule.
duet multiomics solution +modC provides complete genetic and modified cytosine (modC) information from a single low volume DNA sample. Read the product sheet.
Cambridge Epigenetix is now biomodal