Resource types
- Case study
The Aparicio lab at the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre (BCCRC) utilises 5-letter sequencing technology, duet multiomics solution +modC, to investigate ‘epigenetic rewiring’ in breast cancer cells.
- Poster
Learn how simultaneous measurement of genetics and epigenetics with duet multiomics solution +modC enables the study of allele-specific methylation and how this can be used to understand the impact of epigenetic rejuvenation.
- Poster
Review performance of duet multiomics solution +modC for the detection of genetic and epigenetic sequence data at base resolution when using formalin damaged DNA. Samples include formalin-compromised DNA standards (fcDNA) as well as DNA extracted from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples of two colorectal cancer (CRC) patients.
- News article
Representatives from our R&D team presented 3 posters at the Advances in Genome Biology & Technology General Meeting in Hollywood, Florida.
- News article
We are extremely proud to announce that our paper ‘Simultaneous sequencing of genetic and epigenetic bases in DNA’ has been published by the journal Nature Biotechnology.
- News article
We had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Gary Yalloway and Dr. Julia Vivian, Senior Scientists at Cambridge Epigenetix on LM20 Microfluidizer®.
- News article
CEGX CSO Joanna Holbrook recently appeared on Precision Medicine Forum Podcast
- News article
Innovative Cancer Science ‘CEGX scientists discussed novel sequencing technology for early cancer detection’