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The Aparicio lab at the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre (BCCRC) utilises 5-letter sequencing technology, duet multiomics solution +modC, to investigate ‘epigenetic rewiring’ in breast cancer cells.
Learn how simultaneous measurement of genetics and epigenetics with duet multiomics solution +modC enables the study of allele-specific methylation and how this can be used to understand the impact of epigenetic rejuvenation.
Review performance of duet multiomics solution +modC for the detection of genetic and epigenetic sequence data at base resolution when using formalin damaged DNA. Samples include formalin-compromised DNA standards (fcDNA) as well as DNA extracted from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples of two colorectal cancer (CRC) patients.
Representatives from our R&D team presented 3 posters at the Advances in Genome Biology & Technology General Meeting in Hollywood, Florida.
We are extremely proud to announce that our paper ‘Simultaneous sequencing of genetic and epigenetic bases in DNA’ has been published by the journal Nature Biotechnology.
We had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Gary Yalloway and Dr. Julia Vivian, Senior Scientists at Cambridge Epigenetix on LM20 Microfluidizer®.
CEGX CSO Joanna Holbrook recently appeared on Precision Medicine Forum Podcast
Innovative Cancer Science ‘CEGX scientists discussed novel sequencing technology for early cancer detection’
Cambridge Epigenetix is now biomodal